

Sale price Price $79.00 Regular price

Do you like to drink coffee or eat your dinner in front of the TV? If yes, this unique sofa tray just for you. You no longer have to worry about spilled food. Buy your unique sofa tray today!

Measurements: 22.5" x 14" (57 x 35 cm). Fits every rectangular armrest.


  • We use high-quality timber from ash tree that provides each sofa tray with a unique grain. Our wood is very durable and sourced from the local Estonian forests.
  • There’s a genuine linen fabric on the back of the sofa tray. It is almost wearproof and provides the required flexibility.
  • As for finishing materials, we use water varnishes and stains which are safe, environmentally-friendly and contribute to elegant appearance.

All our products are handmade!

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